Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Random Thought: Running habits

I try to go running as much as I can. Usually I take a radio or, more commonly, an Ipod so I can listen to music while I exercise. I've developed a habit of wearing whatever musical device I'm wearing on my left arm using an armstrap. I've done this for years.

Lately I've been feeling a little odd running, and I thought maybe it was from my Ipod affecting my movement in one direction. Which is ridiculous when you consider how small it is, but I decided to switch things up and wear it on my right arm.

Bad idea.

It totally messed me up. I was off balance, the cord was all over the place, and it was totally awkward trying to adjust the volume or songs. I felt like I had to learn how to run all over again, and it didn't do much for my running.

Its just amazing how much something can become a habit, to the point that even a relatively small change, just moving it to the other side of my body, could be such a disaster. Its not like I was driving a car on the left side or attempting to write left handed. Its just an Ipod I took on a jog.

Of course, maybe I'm just a spaz.


Anonymous said...

Sad but true...I have had a similar experience except I changed to the right arm in an attempt to avoid funny tan lines, but I experienced the same awkward feeling. O well, maybe someone will think a white stripe on my left arm is sexy!

SJT said...

Eww tan lines! Gross!

Anonymous said...

Good thing I am not trying to impress you!

Anonymous said...

Good thing I am not trying to impress you!

SJT said...

Such a good thing you said it twice!

Anonymous said...

Wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding!