Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Quote of the day

"In any case, I have watched football games from every angle from the sideline in Oakland and the huddle in Frankfort, Ky., to the top row of the Superdome in New Orleans and the press box in Washington -- I have watched them in Kezar Stadium and from the deck of a big sailing yacht 500 miles south of Bermuda with naked women lolling around -- and I can tell you for sure that the best seat in any house is right in front of a high-end TV set with a few good friends who know football and like to see green money moving around the room. That is how it should be done. Selah."

                                                                                                              -Hunter S. Thompson

It's almost here.


Anonymous said...

You must be related to this guy!

SJT said...

Well that's what that waiter thought anyway.