Sunday, December 14, 2008

Badvertising: Yes, Virginia

Too much Oklahoma-Texas on this blog recently. Time for a football break.

I was watching TV yesterday when this ad came up.

So it starts out all normal with Jessica Simpson and some dude reciting the famous "Yes Virginia" letter from the old New York sun. Its pleasant enough, though I have no idea what's being advertised yet. So I'm sitting there enjoying it and HOLY GOD IS THAT DONALD TRUMP?!?!

The Donald is there for some reason, reading his lines in almost comical fashion WHAT THE HELL? WHY IS SANTANA HERE WITH DONALD TRUMP?

It took a minute for the weirdness of this hodgepodge of B and C listers to sink in. As soon as it was revealed that the ad was for Macy's it all kind of made sense. Every celebrity here has some product line at Macy's. The two dudes I didn't recognize were Kenneth Cole and Tommy Hilfiger. I was really curious as to what Carlos Santana was hocking at Macys. Headbands? A cool clothing line? Electric Guitars? Nope, none of the above.

The answer is shoes.

Women's Shoes.

Apparently el Maestro de la Guitaraa Eletronica is also into Las Zapatas de las Chicas. Like pumps and high heels and fuck me boots. And Macy's apparently though he was the right person to sell them.

Overall this isn't a bad ad. In fact it probably gets points for shock value as you wonder just what's going on. I just hope those letters find their way to Santa Claus, I'd hate to think of that poor little girl at the end not finding a new pair of Carlos Santana's pumps waiting for her beneath the tree.

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