Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Badvertising: Tabasco

I don't know about this ad. On the one hand the song is a little catchy and I'm a sucker for barbershop quartet.

On the other, these creepy pepperoni faces make me think of zits, which is not what you want to associate with food. Plus the visual of pouring Tabasco on this slice makes me think of a big shot of hot sauce right in your eye, which I can only imagine must hurt like hell.

On another note, Tabasco seems to advertise a lot as something to put on pizza. I don't understand this. Hot sauce is for bland food or meals that need a kick. Pizza is just bread, tomato sauce and melted cheese, and none of those things really needs hot sauce. Pizza is usually great by itself, and if its not then you really shouldn't be eating it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great commercial....terrible idea!