Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Badverstising: V

Dear ABC:

I don't care how many ads you run during LOST, I'm not going to watch V. I don't care if they make it out to be an action show, or a sexy show, or how often that creepy alien girl with the short hair breaks the fourth wall. I won't watch.

V was on like 30 years ago. Its been done. It wasn't that great to begin with, but at least it was campy and entertaining. Why would I want a hip new version of an old campy show whose only value came from its campyness? And is this really what Juliet from LOST deserves for being killed off? That's weak.

I'm hoping that this boycott will make you stop these awful commercials. And I especially hope that this will discourage you from remaking LOST in 30 years with some new cast and cosmetic changes. Its hard enough to follow as it is.

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