Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tiger's Talking Head

You've lost me Tiger. I was on your side (sort of). I could accept that your personal life and your professional life were separate things, and I was ready to welcome Tiger the Golfer back to the tour.

No more.

You've pushed me over the edge with your latest move.

I can't believe you hired that lying, condescending, devil's front man Ari Fleisher as your PR rep.

Really Tiger? Really?

Tiger, you apologized. A lot of people didn't believe you, but whatever. Who cares? Just come back and play and win and let the chips fall where they may. Some people will hate you, some will turn a blind eye, and the vast majority are grown up enough to realize that this is just golf and you're a golfer and whatever happened with you and Elin and whatever means exactly nothing with regards to your driving and chipping and putting and winning.

Ari Fleischer? Game over, Tiger.

Ari Fleisher was the front man for one of the most arrogant, back-asswards, hated organizations in recorded history: the BCS.

Yes, this was the guy that the BCS hired to try and Twitter away the growing and passionate and rational drive by college football fans (including myself) for an actual playoff to determine the national championship. And what's funny about that is that the BCS never seemed to give a toss about any criticisms before, since they basically own college football and no one can do anything about that. And when they finally started one of the worst PR campaigns in history, it was conceived and run by none other than Ari. Awful.

Oh, and Ari was also the front man for President Bush during his first 2+ years in office, including the run-up to the start of the Iraq war. He was a key part of the Valerie Plame affair. He's also a Yankee fan. And based on what I know about him he probably gets off on drowning puppies in acid. He's a first rate dick who gets paid lots of money for being a first rate dick in order to shield even bigger, firster rate dicks from things like honesty and scrutiny and logic. Screw him and anyone he works for.

And this is the guy you go to, Tiger? That's like running up a flag that says "I'm wrong, stupid, arrogant and there's no chance I will change my ways because I don't have to." Why would you hire him? How does this help your comeback?

All I know is, PR agents are supposed to improve their client's public images, right? So how does Ari Fleisher even have a job, when hiring him is such a huge red flag?

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