Monday, January 10, 2011

Badvertising: God Loves Interstate Batteries

I saw this on the big screen at the Orange Bowl, and I wasn't sure if I was just drunk or going crazy or what.  But apparently I really did see what I thought I saw, and it was this:

Reminded me at first of the Coca Cola "Grand Theft Auto" ad from a few years ago, where a magical soft drink turns a thug into a super nice guy.

What makes this commercial strange isn't the message or the story, its the juxtaposition with Interstate Batteries at the end.  I was fully expecting a message from a church or other religious group, sort of like how the Ad council does those benign ads promoting respect or tolerance.  And then BOOM! Interstate batteries, the battery which God would choose for his love ray! 

I'm all for the message, since the world could always use more kindness and love, but the story is also kinda depressing.  The world is a dark and sad place filled with miserable people... but never fear, just a bit of love and compassion will make the drudgery of life bearable for another day.  Which is 100% true, but the visual images are still a downer.  Which means I'll need even more love to get back into a good mood.

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