Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thought of the day: bad cooks

Things that are sad: that there could be a show called "Worst Cooks in America" on Food Network.

Cooking is not always easy, but its not hard either.  With even a little knowledge, training, or curiosity, anyone can be at least a mediocre cook.  Some of the best meals (roast chicken, pasta, chili, etc) are even really, really simple and damn near idiot proof.  That there could be enough people who are so completely clueless about basic food preparation is probably some sad commentary about the state of our culture.

Maybe.  I don't wanna read to much into things like this.  But it is kinda sad.

Things that are even sadder: that we are now in a second season of this show, and there is no end in sight. 

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