Thursday, July 3, 2008


I'm not a cat person. I don't hate them per se, and I think they are certainly useful in the area of pest control. I even like playing with them for short periods of time. But there's a fundamental incompatibility between cats and myself: I'm allergic to the things. Not deathly so, but too much cat hair and dander will have me running for the shower and wondering how many anti-histamine pills would constitute an overdose.

In light of this problem I've never had a cat. Until now. A friend of mine has left town for a week, and its fallen to me to take in his pet. Luckily we have a spare bedroom at the moment where the cat will spend most of her time, thus minimizing chances for mischief and the shedding of cat hair in the rest of the apartment. So far so good. I tried playing with it for a while. She was very eager to shed her fur all over me while using me as some kind of loofa. I don't know if I should feel loved or used. Probably a little of both.

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