Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sarah Palin's Coming out Party

You have got to be kidding me. This is Sarah Palin? This is the gamechanger?

First, let me rip the warm up acts:

Huckabee apparently told the old story about the teacher, the veterans, and the desks. Nice story (I think), but not new. The story itself was used by Huckabee in March 2007 in an address to the Conservative Action Union. I've been reading this same story circulating around the Interwebs for the past year and a half. Its been documented and re documented in a million different forwards from your Great Aunt Millie since Huckabee gave the original speech back in 2007, and the actual story took place almost 2 years before that. Thats what you got for the RNC, your party's biggest event of the election cycle, when you'll have the biggest audience you'll ever get?

Rudy Guiliani was just atrocious. The worst thing was the background for his speech, which was a shot of the Downtown Manhattan skyline. I wonder (9/11) what (9/11) the symbolism (9/11 9/11 9/11) of showing 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9/11 9919/1/29191919191/91/911....
Sorry had to reset my brain there.

So Rudy "9/11" Guiliani comes out and gives a snide, sarcastic speech about how community organizers can go fuck themselves and how Barack Obama is a Muslim Elitist Commie 9/11 who wants to feed your children to 9/11. Or something. The most ironic part is when he was talking about Sarah Palin's Mayorship of Wasalia, AK, and he said that Obama thought that Wasailia wasn't "big" or "cosmopolitan" enough to qualify her to be VP. First, Obama never said this. Second: EARTH TO RUDY! YOU WERE MAYOR OF THE BIGGEST, MOST COSMOPOLITAN CITY IN THE NATION!!! AND WHEN YOU WERE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, YOU SAID THAT YOU WERE QUALIFIED PRECISELY BECAUSE BEING MAYOR OF NEW YORK WAS SUCH A BIG JOB! 9/11 9/11 9/11!

Gotta pace myself, gotta have same hate left for Gov Palin.


Governor Palin comes out and gives a speech without falling down, slurring her words or picking her nose. Naturally, she gets high marks from a lot of people for managing to speak the English language and not collapse under the lights. Good for her. But what about the content of her speech?

It sucked.

It really, really sucked.

Sure she was fine talking about family and faith and apple pie. But then the lame attacks started. The lies. The doublespeak. In short, the Republicaness was out in full force.

"I told Congress thanks, but no thanks, on the Bridge to Nowhere. If we want a bridge we'll build it ourselves" This is a baldfaced fucking lie. Palin was a leading proponent of the Bridge to nowhere, and only changed her mind after Congress cut funding for the project, meaning it would have to be paid for by Alaskans. So the truth is you wanted a bridge but you didn't want to pay for it.

"We got lots of Oil up on the North slope". Bullshit. You could drill the whole goddamn State of Alaska and not put a dent in our dependence on foreign oil. Just ask the USGS.

"Barack Obama is worried that someone won't read terrorists their rights"? Where the fuck did this come from? Where the hell do you get off with such blatant, outright insults? Obama voted for FISA for god sake, something that liberals continue to hold against him.

Its all so sad. The cheapshots against community organizers. The bullshit macho posturing. The lame insults and pandering to morons and utter hypocrisy.

I've never given money to a political candidate in my life, but my first donation is on its way to Obama's campaign. This incarnation of the Republican Party is a sick horse that needs to be put to sleep.

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